Thursday, April 19, 2012

The New "Diet" - an update

Friends - I feel fantastic!

Yesterday was another rough day, because I wanted coffee all day... and Paul had a whole pot made. After going to Menards to look at flooring (again) I got a bit of a headache - but that would probably have happened anyway. (BTW  -Joshua fell out of bed and hit his head on the concrete, so we decided to get carpet! What if he had been on the top bunk?!)

I woke up this morning feeling fresh and clear. I want to work. I plan to get outside.

I am completely off soda, tea, coffee, and caffeine! Yesterday I drank about 3 qts of water. And, the only food I ate with sugar in it was one store bought multi-grain tortilla. And, the sugar in that was probably nominal.

I am still aiming to be completely sugar free. And, if this morning's clear head is any indication - I am actually getting well.

ALSO, I have a few friends who have been telling me for years that decaf drinks make joint pains worse. But, since I was not ever drinking decaf I did not care. However, these past few weeks while I was cutting back my caffeine intake and switching to decaf I had more joint pains. So, I think there may be a correlation.

I feel great! Thanks to those of you who were praying for me to get over the hump of the caffeine withdrawal!


Bean said...

I gave up all caffeine about a year ago, after a week of horrible headaches I was free. Unfortunately this past winter I wanted warm drinks and I was tired of herbal tea, I started drinking regular tea with milk (my favorite), and then I added the occasional cup of coffee. I regret to say that coffee is now a daily beverage, although I have cut it back to one cup and plan to eliminate it from my diet again. I think caffeine causes a lot of body aches, and I wish you well on your new diet.

Bethany W. said...

I can relate to that progression (being caffeine free, then before you know it drinking it daily). Thank you for your well wishes!


Bethany W. said...

Oh, and I put "diet" it quotations because if I end up feeling much better this will be a permanent lifestyle change.