Saturday, August 6, 2022

Forty-two and thriving

I am learning more clearly year by year that my health is like a three-legged stool. My mental health,

spiritual health and physical health are all so very intertwined. I am at a place in life where I am investing

in all three areas of my health and I am seeing the balance of my life level out. I know I have a long way

to go, but I have learned to be more aware of some of my health and sickness trends.

For example, when my physical health falters my spiritual side may grow, but it’s still not a stool that

seems solid enough to put weight upon. And, if my emotional health takes a side-step this will invariably

cause my physical health to be negatively impacted. 

So, with all of this effort to stay balanced, what does it actually look like? How can I say I am the

healthiest I have been in years?

In 2020, I started therapy with a licensed clinical professional counselor. I think that year brought a lot

of us to a breaking point that needed outside resources to begin the mending process. Those first six

to nine months of counseling were emotionally exhausting. And, though I felt emotionally drained and

physically exhausted, I walked about a mile every day. That time alone to walk and process all that I was

learning was crucial to both physical and mental health. I also knew that with all of the battles raging in

my soul bringing torrents of rain and waves of emotional turbulence that I needed a strong anchor.

The anchor of my soul is the Lord. I generally read my Bible every day and I pray all throughout the day. Allowing the words of Scripture to grow me, challenge me, encourage me, and strengthen me has been my ballast through many storms. Jesus has been my firm foundation even when my ship has been rocked. He truly is my anchor. (see Hebrews 6:18-19)

Yet, I continue to make mistakes. At times, I still let my gaze focus on the storm and I get tossed about in waves of self-doubt. I still lack patience. I still have to work to be gentle in my responses to my family. I still fight to be less reactionary to drama and conflict. I still have to work to use "my inside voice" when I am angry. But, I see greater growth than I could have ever thought possible! 

It seems that, for me, the right elements to health are: Bible reading, prayer, gathering with the church, high quality health supplements, walking, manual labor like yard work, soccer in the yard with my kids, talk therapy with my counselor, plenty of time with my believing friends, as much music as I can fit into my day, and time to be creative. I generously mix these ingredients to serve up my best self.

Does this mean I radiate with joy and sunshine every moment of every day? Not likely. But, I can say

that I am working hard to have constructive conversations in which I allow myself to express both

good “feels” and hard thoughts. I am trying hard to own what is mine to correct, but not own what is not

mine. (To explain just what that means would require a whole ‘nother post.) 

I have no desire to even attempt to look like I “have it all together,” because that is an image that I could not possibly live up to for more than a few minutes. I just want to be honest with myself in admitting both the triumphs and the struggles. I wish I could have learned that lesson sooner in my life, it would have saved me so many years of aiming at unreachable perfection.

I will be 43 in September and I think I am the healthiest that I have ever been. How can I encourage you in your health journey?