Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Eight Year Old Changes Spark Plugs - Homeschool with Papa Mechanic

Today was epic... Paul taught Nelson to change the spark plugs on the big beast (the 15 passenger van). Just to give you an idea of how happy this made Nelson, I have to tell you that Nelson interrupted Becca's math lesson every 5 minutes or so to show me each plug he removed. (I have grease all over the door knobs to show for it *winks*)
You can click any picture to enlarge it.

 Above and below: removal
 See the round thing in the picture, that encases the air filter. 
Nelson changed that too.
 Above: the old plug, "I did it, mom"
Below: Installing the new plug

1 comment:

NYLass said...

That's my kinda homeschool! :O)