Thursday, June 14, 2012

Unusual update

I am still a sick lady. (Though I am some better) But, we have had some news that (sort of) puts our minds at ease.

There was NO bacteria in my stool sample OR white blood cells that would indicate any kind of bacterial infection!

First of all - relief - I am SO glad that I did not take the antibiotic that would have forced me to quit nursing the baby for three days (at least) while I was waiting for these results. And, I am more relieved than words can say that this is not c. diff which can become life-threatening. And, I am so glad that this is not a food-born illness that would have made the health department investigate all of my friends at the farmer's market.

Secondly - this is a little disconcerting. There does not seem to be any medical reason for my sickness.

So - I am inclined to think that this physiological issue is a spiritual attack. I could be wrong. And, I will keep working with both of my doctors! I have a phone consult at 1:30 with my naturopath.

I will also be seeking out prayer from everyone I know.

I was able to eat a total of three pieces of toast yesterday! And, this morning I ate oatmeal. Let me tell you, after three days of eating almost nothing - oatmeal actually tastes good!

Baby Jeremiah is (understandably) not himself. He is whimpering and spitting up (vomiting?). BUT, it could be worse!!! I could be on antibiotics!!!

Thanks for all of your prayers. I will keep you posted. 


NYLass said...

Oatmeal DOES taste good, silly!

You have our prayers... as always.
much love,

Unknown said...

Sounds to me like its most likely that you are low on good bacteria.
9/10s of the bodies cells are bacteria cells, so it can be a good idea to go back to the old ways of eating lacto-fermented veges, dairy and fruits.

Bean said...

Will keep praying for you Bethany. And, I agree with Papa, Mama and Buniq.

Blessing to you,


Anonymous said...

Praying for you Bethany.

Bethany W. said...

Papa, Mama, and Buniq,

Good to see you back. Hope everything is okay with you all.

There is no doubt in my mind that whole foods are the best source of wholeness and wellness for our bodies! But, as I am just learning to use some of these lacto-fermented foods I will continue taking my probiotic supplements (which I have been on for years.) Last month while I was doing my treatment to kill off candida I was on 100 billion a day. This week I added in a new probiotic that is great for gut issues (100 Billion a day). I hope to back down to a normal preventative dose on both of these soon.

I just got a kefir start from a friend today - my first ever. She showed me how to make it and I have looked at Cheeseslave as well.

Thanks for your thoughts,

Unknown said...

Good for you! Here is a cool fact. 1 tsp of raw kraut, contains several trillion bacteria cells! Kefir is at least the same.
I'm teaching a big class next week to quite a few friends who have always thought I was weird, and then over time, curiosity took over, especially the last 2 months, as they watched my health just take off.
The change occurred when I switched to airlock style fermenting.