Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pruning Analogy

From my Facebook Timeline (date as shown) -

I know enough about flowers and trees to recognize their growing cycles. Tonight I walked past a rose bush nearly falling over under the weight of its blooms. I immediately knew that that bush was cut way back last year, so that it would produce more blooms in the future. I thank God for speaking to my heart through that rose bush. But, even more than that, I thank God for His goodness in pruning me to produce more fruit later. The cry of my heart is to see the kingdom of heaven advance and grow. God knows my cries to be one who bears much fruit. God is good! This trial - in many more ways than I know right now- is an answer to my heart's cries. Praise You, Jesus! Thank you Father for finding me worthy of gentle pruning. I trust you, Master Gardener, to cut well...for my good and for your glory. Thank you, God.

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